Little Brown JugWinnipeg, MB, Canada

Sapphic Speed Dating

By Winnipeg Connect (other events)

Tuesday, May 21 2024 6:30 PM 9:00 PM CDT

Online dating not your thing? Maybe we can help.

Sapphic folks of Winnipeg, we're back with another round of in person connection as we aim to create a respectful space to meet other sapphics in person for a real life, real time, speed dating experience. Our first try with this event early in the year went smoothly, and so we're here to give it another try.

Winnipeg Connect is ready to have you join us at Little Brown Jug, so grab your ticket and get ready for an evening of quick connections. It'll be a low pressure event where you're welcome to grab a beverage or two, and spend some time together rotating through a series of brief conversations with other participants. These quick conversations and hopefully some thoughtful questions allow you to get a feel for another person in a way that scrolling online doesn't always do. And it leaves room to be surprised by someone you may not have thought was for you at first glance.

After a few minute of chatting, if someone catches your interest you simply mark them down on the match sheet provided - and within 24-48 hours after the event any matches will be emailed to you, and you can keep the connections going on your own.

The evening will be consist of three simultaneously running age brackets (25-40 and 35-50ish and 50+), each capped at 12 participants. Each group of 12 will meet every other person in their group as they rotate throughout the space at Little Brown Jug throughout the evening. Each round is 7 minutes of chatting, and at the end of the evening - you'll have had a chance to connect with a room full of (hopefully new to you) humans.

At Winnipeg Connect our aim for each event is to have it be as inclusive as possible - collecting under the biggest umbrella while also having enough parameters to create safety and informed consent for participants. As such, we chose 'sapphic' as the best descriptor for the event. Not sure if that's for you? Here's a link that explains more. We didn't want to call this a lesbian event, because more are welcomed - so sapphic it is. Have questions? Drop an email to [email protected] if you're not sure if this is for you.

This is not a specifically monogamous event. We are hoping participants have the capacity to address relationship expectations and preferences with each other. Events are organic, and always evolving as we figure out what works and what doesn't - so we are open to new formats in the future for sure.

Looking forward to seeing who joins in and gets to explore the goodness of being human, together.

New to our events? Find more on Instagram @winnipegconnectevents

About your host: Sabrina is the human behind Winnipeg Connect. She is a therapist to adults by day, and a part time event host in her spare time. She is a straight, cis woman who has been in Winnipeg for the last 18 years with her partner and kids. She is a giant fan of people, meaningful conversations, love, and nature. She is working to challenge and dismantle her own understandings of all things - cisheteronormativity included, and hosting events is a task that continues to challenge her own implicit biases and unchallenged frameworks in the best kind of ways. She is open to hearing where she missed the mark, grateful for feedback, and is hoping that our events work to contribute to a culture of inclusivity and welcome and meaningful connecting in Winnipeg.


If you date men, and are hoping for men at this event - please note this event is not for you.